EP-14 | Day 14

Welcome to our “Get Out with God” podcast. We are Rick and Kristine Ingraham, founders of The Viking and the Lioness Ministries, Inc. Our mission is to encourage people to “Get Out with God” in order to begin to heal, become whole and live well… spirit + soul + body.

We hope that this podcast blesses you with the Word of the Lord and serves as bite-sized encouragement as you clear the clutter, quiet the noise and draw closer in your relationship with the Lord.

· Access our “Journey with Jesus: A Lenten Reflection” calendar with links to the daily scriptures here.

· Access our Day 14 companion download here.

In Day 14 of our 40-Day Journey with Jesus: A Lenten Reflection, we begin with Titus 3:4 NIV.

Dear brothers and sisters,

Today’s society makes it very easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of the “doing”. We live in a culture that rewards us for continually doing more, doing “better”, working harder and longer, earning more, keeping up with, or surpassing, others.

In all the busy, it is easy to forget to pause, just breathe, and “be” at one with Jesus. But, as today’s scripture says:

“...he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,” Titus 3:4 NIV

Why is it so hard to let go, let God, and just "be"? Why do we strive and hustle so much?

Society has ingrained in us a need to be better and do more in order to be accepted, to be loved, liked and to belong. Because of this, we can easily be tempted to “go go go” until we are worn out, dried up, depleted and become ill in our spirit + soul + body. We give without pausing and refueling our spiritual “cup”. We give beyond what we have the capacity to give to keep society from looking at us as failures or ‘less than’. The enemy is always encouraging this to happen in our daily lives, so that he can then attack us in this vulnerable, worn out, and tired state.

BUT God! As the Viking says, “We are human beings, not human doings.” God doesn’t care how much money we make, what our title is, or how many widgets we have sold this year. He only cares about our heart and being in relationship with us. He is desperately calling out to us to come and just “be” with Him, in our quiet place, our “wilderness”. However, His cry is often muffled or silenced by the “noise” of the daily busy.

Brothers and sisters, we invite you to join us today as we take time to discuss how we can truly start being the human beings that God created us to be. Here’s a hint… we start by pressing pause on all the “doings” in our life and just being with God. We look forward to today’s time with you all.

In His precious love,

Shalom shalom (perfect peace)

Rick & Kristine Ingraham - The Viking & The Lioness

The Viking & The Lioness Ministries, Inc.

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