EP-22 | Day 22

Welcome to our “Get Out with God” podcast.  We are Rick and Kristine Ingraham, founders of The Viking and the Lioness Ministries, Inc.  Our mission is to encourage people to “Get Out with God” in order to begin to heal, become whole and live well… spirit + soul + body.   We hope that this podcast blesses you with the Word of the Lord and serves as bite-sized encouragement as you clear the clutter, quiet the noise and draw closer in your relationship with the Lord.   

In Day 22 of our 40-Day Journey with Jesus: A Lenten Reflection, we begin with Romans 5:1 NIV.  

Dear brothers and sisters,   We read the earlier portion of Paul’s letter to the Romans where he very directly calls out both Jews and Gentiles as sinners at odds with God.  After getting our attention at the beginning of this letter, he softens this message by sharing the good news that, even though we deserved the wrath of God and death for our sin, God made a way for us to be made righteous (having right standing) with God through his beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Instead of receiving eternal death and separation from God, which we fully deserved, we received His mercy. Not only did we receive His mercy, but His grace as well.  Through this grace we have been blessed with so much… forgiveness, healing, redemption, freedom and life everlasting.    Today’s scripture takes grace even one step further, “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1 NIV   Join us on the podcast today as we dive deeper into Paul’s letter to the Romans sharing the good news to ALL Jews and Gentiles that we ALL are all justified, right standing, and worthy of His peace. We give all the glory to God and are excited to discuss this amazing gift with you all.  We look forward to seeing you on the podcast!   Daily Scripture:  “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1 NIV   In His precious love,   Shalom shalom (perfect peace)   Rick & Kristine Ingraham - The Viking & The Lioness The Viking & The Lioness Ministries, Inc.   Connect with us:   THEVIKINGANDTHELIONESS.COM / INSTAGRAM / FACEBOOK