Welcome to our “Get Out with God” podcast. We are Rick and Kristine Ingraham, founders of The Viking and the Lioness Ministries, Inc.
Our mission is to encourage people to “Get Out with God” in order to begin to heal, become whole and live well… spirit + soul + body.
We hope that this podcast blesses you with the Word of the Lord and serves as bite-sized encouragement as you clear the clutter, quiet the noise and draw closer in your relationship with the Lord.
In Day 23 of our 40-Day Journey with Jesus: A Lenten Reflection, we begin with Hebrews 9:14 NIV
Dear brothers & sisters,
What do you think are the top answers given by Christians when asked why they don’t feel able to serve God? According to a recent survey on ChristianityToday.com, two of the top 6 reasons were:
- I don’t know enough / I am not qualified, and
- I’m not worthy.
Over the last 22 days, we have discussed that first reason substantially and showed how God rarely ever calls the qualified but qualifies those He calls IF they step out in faith. The second reason above, “I’m not worthy”, is what we are addressing through today’s scripture in Hebrews 9:14 NIV.
Have you ever found yourself feeling “unworthy” in that way? What exactly is the part of us that makes us ‘feel’ so unworthy to serve God? It is our own conscience… the part of our mind and soul which is constantly evaluating our actions and comparing them to an external standard, and either approving us or condemning us based on how our actions and thoughts measure up against that standard.
We encourage you to join us on this podcast where we discuss that thing called ‘the conscience’.
Daily Scripture:
“How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!” Hebrews 9:14 NIV
In His precious love,
Shalom shalom (perfect peace)
Rick & Kristine Ingraham - The Viking & The Lioness
The Viking & The Lioness Ministries, Inc.
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